Located at the heart of ASEAN and representing its second
largest economy, Thailand is an ideal place to discuss how senior
decision-makers can shape the region's future opportunities while creating the
models for improved risk management and sustainable and equitable growth. In
this context, the 21st World Economic Forum on East Asia will be an exceptional
opportunity not only for leaders from the ASEAN region, but also for those who
see in the ASEAN countries a major evolving geopolitical and geo-economic
pillar of the global economy.
How can the high economic growth economies of ASEAN help to
rebalance both the global and the regional overall economic outlook?
How will governments and institutions develop the financial
policies to manage inflation, capital outflows, commodity price volatility and
balanced growth towards greater domestic and regional demand?
How will the region leverage its demographic dividend and
technology base to develop the models to increase growth through innovation,
improve talent mobility, entrepreneurship and skill building?